Smart Solutions,
Brighter Outcomes
Unveiling Tomorrow’s Care.
Medsol’s AI for Breast
Cancer Today.
Breast cancer remains the highest rate of mortality in women in South Africa.
One of the reasons for this is a lack of appropriate diagnostic infrastructure in both public and private sectors. For accurate, on site, point of care diagnostic solutions, aiding in better clinical decision making for further specialist referral and intervention.
Built on world-class hardware, MedSol’s solution caters for the high speeds of urban connectivity as well as isolated rural environments without internet access, ensuring no one is left behind.

Our solution.
what we do
One of the highest rates of
cancer-related mortality in
women in Africa is breast cancer.
This is due to an increased stigma associated with the disease in rural settings and the lack of appropriate infrastructure in the healthcare sector to promote earlier detection and diagnosis. The rate of TB diagnosis in South Africa has also increased, particularly in the occupational health mining industry.
Detect. Conquer.
The highest rate of cancer-related mortality in women in Africa is breast cancer. This is due to an increased stigma associated with the disease in rural settings and the lack of appropriate infrastructure in the healthcare sector to promote earlier detection and diagnosis. The rate of TB diagnosis in South Africa has also increased, particularly in the occupational health mining industry.
To address these challenges, we propose a joint collaboration between sector-related market leaders and passionate innovation drivers for change. Our focus is patient-based care with innovative specialist solutions to improve turnaround times, diagnostic efficiency rates, and to narrow the gap between diagnosis and treatment regimes. We will be offering a state-of-the-art AI and DML system, available as an Android application, able to categorize and provide differential diagnosis of health-related diseases within seconds.
The product is SAPHRA accredited and has gone through rigorous peer-review testing and data validation. We offer a Patient Referral BlueprintTM bridging the gap between diagnosis and treatment. We collaborate with local hospitals, patient navigators, and community health care workers to ensure no patient is left behind during their journey of diagnosis.
Breast Cancer
Our vision is to promote patient-based outcomes in the healthcare industry.
Superior Wireless Ultrasound Imaging You Can Trust
We co-market our product alongside Clarius wireless ultrasound probes with clarity, quality and cost-effective options for Point of Care ultrasound (POCUS).
Our product focuses on patient-based outcomes, with a unique educational platform for patients diagnosed with breast cancer to ensure they are informed and empowered with the necessary information going forward during their treatment journey.

Clarius Ultrasound Probes
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