Science Technology and Innovation in Africa

The Science Technology and Innovation (STI) in Africa Day will be held at the margins of the Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology, and Innovation for the SDGs 2023 with a focus on STI for the SDGs:  STI4SDGs – Levers, Priority Areas, Actionable Steps for Africa. 

Over the past three decades, Africa has made significant progress in educating its youth, building its industrial base, and creating a large internal market that has collectively enabled Africa to withstand global crises. The first STI in Africa Day will explore how Africa can mobilize and leverage the youth, its diaspora, the African Continental Free Trade Area, and its growing industrial base to drive STI to meet its development aspirations and meet all SDG targets. It will provide a platform for exchanging ideas and exploring ways to accelerate the development, application, and scaling up of technologies to fast-track progress on the SDGs and Agenda 2063. This special event will provide a global stage for conversations between the diaspora and home (global Africa), business levers in Africa vs. the diaspora, and its capacity to strike partnerships to invest in overseas markets and Africa itself. 

The co-organisers are DESA and ECA, with the support of FAO, MIT, UNESCO, and the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA)/IDTFAA

The STI Forum will facilitate discussions on science, technology, and innovation cooperation in support of the SDGs. In addition to providing the mandated inputs for the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development to be held from 10 to 19 July 2023, the Forum will also take a broader look at the contribution of STI to the achievement of all the SDGs in recognition of the September mid-term review of SDG progress.

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